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At The Powder Room, we only offer the highest quality Beauty Salon services. Take a look at our service menu below to see the wide range of treatments and special pampering options we offer.

Before and After Surgery

Anti aging eye treatments

Anti-Aging eye treatments designed to reduce inflammation (puffy eyes) dark circles and wrinkles. An electronic infusion of ingredients will leave your eyes refreshed and DNA damaged reversed. $120

Eye Lash Lifts

Open up your eyes with our deluxe lash lifts designed to lift and separate your lashes. Your eyes will appear larger and vibrant. Your lashes wil appear longer and fuller as each individual lash is lifted. All lash lifts include an eye lash tint and hydrating peptide eye mask. $120

Eye Bag Treatment
Eyes and Brows


       EYE LASH TINT          





Combine the anti-aging eye treatment with the lash lift and completed with an eyelash tint for vibrant bright eyes. 

EYES: Services
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